Wi-Fi penetration testing

The wireless networks are the integral part of a common life and organization’s infrastructure already. Although are these easy technologies massively implemented, there is entire lack of security, so we can see various attacks based on communication eavesdropping and data or band misuse.

Offered Penetration tests cover availability check (signal coverage, jamming), (unauthorized) access to the wireless network, eavesdropping etc.

Provided tests:

  • Security Policy and public relevant expert resources evaluating

  • Signal coverage mapping

  • Check possibilities of connecting to WLAN and eavesdropping

  • Client side setting

  • Fake wireless AP

  • Direct wireless link tests

  • Availability tests

The output of tests is final report with particular recommendations about correcting discovered issues. The final part is presentation of results with slide show.

Sample report

Sample output for a better idea about the quality of our work.

Demo report

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